Saturday, May 17, 2014

Logic must rule the thought process, not fear! Breast Cancer

Cancer is a logical disease, issue, in the human body. 

Today is a new day. If you have made decisions that may contribute to further issues from treatment, take the next logical step to reverse those issues. Fear will blind you and play no contributory role in the decision process for healing. When each step, new or continued is contributing to the future healing process, then it is a good step and history should not dictate the thought process. It is important to know the issues and impacts of treatment selections, but not generate fear if you discover a choice of treatment was not a good one. The body can heal from any kind of issue, toxin or insult with appropriate processes.   

This article relates to some facts about cancer, from the American Cancer Society, with additional annotations to current knowledge based on current research and knowledge. In this article there is a good focus on breast cancer, but the conclusions pertain to all cancer and treatment protocols:

     As an example more than 200,000 cases of breast cancer are diagnosed in women — and more than 2,000 in men — each year in the United States. Mammography is a late stage evaluation tool. Thermography would identify it long before it becomes a tumor. There are many ways to detect cancer without harm to the person. There is the CaProfile test that can test for the lowest levels with 90% to 98% accuracy any level of cancer. After conventional treatment it is essential that you determine levels of cancer and level of metastasis since chemotherapy and radiation cause cancer to grow exponentially and spread more rapidly.

     BRCA GENE Twisted logic leading to unnecessary mutilation: BRCA Twisted Logic with Tragic Consequences There is no scientific basis for chemotherapy and/or radiation after a lumpectomy. There is much science to support use of vitamin C .

     Before you allow mutilation, know the facts: Mastectomy without science

     Every two minutes in the United States, a case of breast cancer is diagnosed in a woman, and most of them are only offered chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery, but no support for significant changes in diet or supplementation.

     About 40,000 women and more than 400 men die of breast cancer each year in the United States. A majority of them die from effects of #chemotherapy and #radiation stimulating metastatic conditions.

     Every 13 minutes, a woman in the United States loses her life to breast cancer. Most cancer deaths today are from chemotherapy effects on the body (heart, lungs, lymphatic system, digestive system damage, and protein deficiency from digestive issues exacerbated by chemotherapy.

     Breast cancer ranks as the most common cancer-related cause of death for women 40 to 59 in the United States and second to lung cancer for all U.S. women.  Early detection with a simple blood test CaProfile, or Thermography.

     The median age for a breast-cancer diagnosis in white women in the United States is 61; and for black women, 57.

     One in 7 women in the United States faces a breast-cancer diagnosis in her lifetime.

     The rush to mutilate women with mastectomy is proving to be based on false science.

     Since 1990, early detection and effective treatments have spurred a 34percent decline in U.S. deaths of breast cancer. The Cancer Profile test gives warning many years in advance without harm to the person. Unlike mammograms where there is an exposure to radiation which can stimulate cancer growth of unseen cancers.

     The death rate for breast cancer is 30 percent lower than that of 25 years ago. This statistic only holds true if you look at the change in the research protocols. They changed the success rate benchmark from 10 years to 5 years which improved statistic remarkably. When compared to the testing method 25 years ago there has been little to no change in success rates with chemotherapy and radiation.

     More than 2.9 million American women are counted as breast-cancer survivors. This determination is made if the woman lives more than five years but does not count the quality of life. It does not evaluate the level of metastasis from chemotherapy or radiation, and does not take into account the damage from treatment to the major organs like the heart, liver, kidney and spleen.

     For a diagnosis in the early stages of breast cancer, the five-year survival rate is 98 percent, but this may be misleading if you choose chemotherapy or radiation, or both, for these treatments often cause other issues that only manifest after the 5 year window.


Keep healing in a logical sequence. Example: if you have been exposed to chemotherapy or radiation you have to first address the root issues these treatment cause.
I.            Outline of perspectives and goals
a.    Identify underling issues, such as:
A.    Metastatic rate or spread of cancer: chemotherapy and radiation cause cancer levels to increase and spread. This has to be addressed immediately. 
B.    Dental issues such as amalgams or root canals
C.    Emotion issues
D.    Issues relating to previous treatment
E.    Previous surgeries, trauma, or toxic exposure
F.     Blood tests to determine hidden causes
G.    Nourishment levels, especially proteins
H.    GUT issues that may impact the ability of the body to heal and absorb proteins
I.     Evaluation of diet to determine if adequate nourishment or lack thereof is derailing the healing process
1.   Inadequate protein will lead to slow or no healing, slow or no cellular repair, low blood counts, even anemia. Many diets chosen are medically lower in   proper or adequate nourishment retarding the healing process or leading to cachexia. Many who come to us are anorexic unintentionally.
J.     Toxins levels and organ toxicity
1.   Detoxing can be risky if not done properly.
2.   If chemotherapy or radiation exposure has occurred, create a safe detox program that will not further harm the person.
K.    Blood work to determine levels of inflammation and whether it is chronic or acute.
L.     Testing of blood, hormones, and cancer levels without harm to the person.
1.   Common tumor markers do not evaluate metastatic issues or active levels of cancer and often miss the most important issues of cancer activity leaving the person with cancer with a false positive reading of cancer levels that belies the true level of cancer in the body.
M.   Address surgical scars with the intent to detox scars safely.
N.    Dietary needs. Too many programs are not metabolically suitable to a given need with poor food combining, leading to an inadvertent increase in cancer activity, inflammation and poor healing potential. When tested, many people are low in protein levels which affects blood levels and healing capabilities. If protein is too low, blood levels will be too low. If protein is too low, albumin and the ability of enzymes in the body to function, will be compromised. 


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