Thursday, June 18, 2015

Five essential herbs for hemorrhoids

Five essential herbs for hemorrhoids
by Brad Chase

Do you suffer from hemorrhoids? You don't have to deal with painful, itchy hemorrhoids if you start adding the following five herbs to your daily diet or supplement routine. In fact, these five essential herbs may even allow you to avoid drastic hemorrhoid treatment options, such as surgery, by healing your hemorrhoids from the inside out.
Bael (also known as a wood apple) is surprisingly effective at healing hemorrhoids and preventing painful flare-ups. Bael contains many beneficial ingredients that fight hemorrhoids. Bael contains rutin, which improves the permeability of capillaries and blood vessels. This helps prevent swelling during elimination. Rutin is a vein healer and promotes healthy circulation. Bael also contains quercetin, which is a flavonoid that helps retain mucus in the intestines to make elimination easier. Bael is known for its gentle laxative effect that keeps stool soft.
Horse Chestnut
Horse chestnut is a well-known hemorrhoid fighter - and for good reason. Horse chestnut is a blood vessel toner, and it is able to improve circulation and prevent swelling. Horse chestnut contains saponins and tannins, which provide anti-inflammatory benefits. Horse chestnut can be taken internally, and it also works well when applied directly to painful, swollen hemorrhoids. Be careful to only consume horse chestnut which has had esculin, a poison, removed.
Butcher's Broom
Butcher's broom is another excellent herb that heals hemorrhoids. Butcher's broom boosts blood vessel health and strengthens the blood vessel walls. Butcher's broom can improve vein circulation, which prevents painful hemorrhoids from forming. Butcher's broom contains ruscogenin, which has an anti-inflammatory effect on swollen tissues. Butcher's broom capsules and butcher's broom tea are both effective in treating hemorrhoids.
Bilberry is a small, European berry similar to the American blueberry. Bilberry contains the beneficial ingredient anthocyanoside, which is used to heal bruises and hemorrhoids in traditional herbal medicine. In 1975, a study found that taking bilberry supplements was highly effective at reducing hemorrhoid pain and swelling. Bilberry is best taken in capsule form, but you can also eat the fruit if you can find it.
Red Root
Red root is a plant native to North America. There are many varieties of the plant that grow across the United States. The plant has waxy, green leaves and pink and white flowers. The root is woody, stiff and used to heal a variety of ailments. The root is effective against hemorrhoids due to its high tannins content. Tannins fight inflammation and can shrink hemorrhoid tissues. Red root can also reduce fluid secretions and improve blood clotting.
Healing Hemorrhoids with Herbs

You can heal and prevent hemorrhoids by taking herbal remedies. Red root, bilberry, bael, butcher's broom and horse chestnut all work together to heal existing flare-ups and prevent new hemorrhoids from forming. For best results, take these supplements for several months at a time. The longer you take them, the better the health of your blood vessels will be, and the less likely you will be to suffer from painful hemorrhoids again.

In addition to these herbal supplements, keep your diet clean to prevent constipation, which can make any hemorrhoid symptoms worse.


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